The country mourns the departed Sfiso Ncwane. Burial details confirmed!

Father figure. The late Sfiso Ncwane and his two boys Ncweti and Umawenzokuhle.

As messages of condolences kept streaming in- politicians, ordinary citizens, fellow musicians spoke highly of S’fiso for he was the beacon of hope when there wasn’t.

I came to meet the late (skinny as he was) way back whilst still at defunct e’Vibe Music Magazine, as an intern.

Always, he’ll pop in the morning and have coffee with everyone as he relayed his unfortunate upbringing and also found time to crack a joke that “I’m short of fingers, so what?”

I got assigned to interview him with the aid of the late senior writer by then Kerwin Chiya. That was the beginning of my journey to interact and hob-nob with music stars and celebs.

Yes, S’fiso has been in the music industry that long; but as things would not be as fortunate as one would thought could not crack this hard to please industry. But he never gave up.

After many years without meeting, we bumped onto each other at Sun City two years ago at the annual SA Music Awards in the parking lot. Unbeknown to me walked to his state of the art VW Bus and pulled out his bag full of notes. He offered some moola without asking and politely, I disagreed.

“I’m doing this because you were there when no one cared to listen. This is my offering to you because now I can afford to. I owe you still,” he quipped emotionally.

That’s the S’fiso I knew from humble beginnings. Today, he will rest in Peace knowing he owes the world nothing but his music.

He lives two boys Ngcweti and Umawenzokuhle Ncwane and wife Ayanda. He was 37 year old.

Sfiso owned his music company Sfiso Ncwane Productions and S’fiso Ncwane Bursary Foundation, respectively.

Meanwhile, the final funeral and memorial arrangements have been confirmed.

A spokesperson for the Ncwane family confirmed that the musician will be laid to rest at Heroes Acre in Chesterville‚ Durban.

Sfiso was rushed to hospital on Sunday night after suffering from kidney failure. He died on Monday morning with his wife‚ Ayanda at his side

The memorial and funeral details are below:

Thursday memorial

eThekwini Community Church‚ Durban

Time: 11am

All are welcome to attend

Friday memorial

Grace Bible Church‚ Soweto

Time: 11am

All are welcome to attend

Saturday funeral

Moses Mabhida Stadium‚ Durban

Time: 9am

After the funeral service Sfiso will be laid to rest at the Heroes Acre in Chesterville.

Lala ngoXolo Sfiso. Kulungile Baba…

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