Grime and crime fight intensified by MMC for Environment and Infrastructure in Jhb

An eye-sore that has become so synonymous with one’s daily living, unfortunately has affected business investment and development opportunities. Considered one of the largest cities in SA and gate-way to the world, for NOW I disagree.

This is exacerbated by daily grime and crime!

But this could change according to City of Joburg MMC for Environment and Infrastructure Services Mpho Moerane, who launched Pikitup’s new co-production model, that could reclaim the Gold status associated with it.

This model entails the appointment of co-operatives, non-profit companies and exempted micro-enterprises, to ensure improved integrated waste management services in the City of Johannesburg. .

As part of the #KleenaJoburgReloaded clean-up campaign it is expected to create 2 025 jobs in all regions of Johannesburg.

Pikitup has appointed 48 companies that will in turn appoint Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) workers to assist with the management of litter-picking, street cleaning and conducting education and awareness programmes. In terms of the model, each ward in the City will be capacitated with 15 Expanded Public Works Programme Employees, who will assist with waste-management issues.

The MMC emphasised the importance of taking ownership of the City’s cleanliness by all who reside in it.

“It is easy to blame government for everything each time our City is littered with trash. However, as we launch this programme today to help enhance cleanliness in our streets, it is important for us to note that the responsibility to keep our City clean remains with all of us,” he said.

He also warned the co-operative to hire people who reside in their wards because such people will be responsible for ensuring that local residents do not litter nor dispose of waste illegally.

This will be a joint effort with JMPD and other partners. Taxi organisations should also take part in clean-up campaigns for they contribute to the filth strewn all over taxi ranks.

MMC Moerane also stressed that the people who are going to be employed must be furnished with Covid-19 protective clothing.

“I do not want to be called and be asked how is it possible that half of the people who have been employed are now Covid-19 positive.

Covid-19 is serious, and I urge all the co-operatives who will be employing the people to ensure that their employees are protected against the virus.”

The campaign will kick in as soon as possible to bring back the Joburg glory days and my second wish- is to woo back that much needed investment.

Image (The forgotten and filthy Johannesburg but that could change, according to MMC for Environment and Infrastructure Services Mpho Moerane in Joburg).

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