Chidimma withdraws from the beauty pageant

UPDATE: Chidimma Adetshina, has withdrawn from the Miss SA 2024 beauty pageant.

This breaking news was confirmed in a statement believed to be owned by the finalist on social media on Thursday.

She was set to compete along with 10 beautiful contestants on Saturday evening.

In previous report, we had mentioned that one of the requirements on entering for Miss SA pageant, is one should not be married or have a child. Right?

But it seems Chidimma Adetshina, a contestant for Miss SA 2024 who has caused local and international headlines on eligibility to enter the beauty pageant, has, according to latest revelations by the department of Home Affairs.

The gorgeous Chidimma (23) is now under pressure to resign from competing in the finals to be held on August 10, Saturday at SunBet Arena, Pretoria.

From questionable nationality to being a ‘divorcee and a mother’, that’s a lot to decipher.

Minister of Home Affairs, Leon Schreiber, confirmed that his department received a request from the Miss SA organisation to investigate the validity of a “certain contestant’s” citizenry.

The unnamed contestant permitted Miss SA to lodge an enquiry about her nationality from the Home Affairs Department, Schreiber said.

Upon investigation, the minister confirmed prima facie evidence was discovered pointing that Adetshina’s mother allegedly committed fraud and identity theft in 2001.

“An innocent South African mother, whose identity may have been stolen as part of the alleged fraud committed by Adetshina’s mother, suffered as a result because she could not register her child,” said Schreiber.

Schreiber said the department has broadened its investigation to identify and pursue any officials involved in the alleged fraudulent scheme, which would ultimately lead to criminal charges against the implicated parties.

There are ongoing engagements with all stakeholders, including Adetshina’s mother, Schreiber said.

He highlighted Adetshina’s alleged fraudulent case calls for urgency in digitising the department’s applications, adjudication and verification processes, “to insulate the department against fraudulent interference, similar to reforms undertaken at the South African Revenue Services in the late 2000s,” said Schreiber.

Chidimma was born to a Nigerian father, and a Mozambican mother.

It has also been confirmed Operation Dudula has organised a picket at the Miss SA offices on Friday, (National Womens’ Day).

Leader of the African Transformation Movement (ATM) Vuyo Zungula said the accusations of South Africans being “xenophobes” were hogwash.

“South Africans are not xenophobic. We are arguably the most integrated country on the continent, where people from diverse backgrounds coexist peacefully, provided they are legal and abide by the law,” Zungula was quoted.

Should she goes ahead and win the beauty pageant, she will be representing Nigeria not SA, of which cannot be allowed, commented one concerned citizen.

Well-known lawyer also said if there are no legal documents indicating she’s not a legitimate South African, she should resign herself from competing in the finals.

“Its embarrassing to her and the organisers of Miss SA,” she said.

At the time of publishing it was unclear if Chiddima would participate on Saturday.

But the minister of HA confirmed investigations are still on going on this matter.

Image (Chidimma Adetshina has withdrawn from Miss SA 2024).

Image (Lets see the papers. Min of Home Affairs Leon Schreiber seen with his deputy Njabulo Nzuza)

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