For their effort they bagged a cool R1million.
After eleven episodes of physical and mental exertion, exhaustion and eliminations, the season finale was anyone’s game.
“The experience was insane for both Bongs and I! It was intense, exciting, exhausting and fun all at the same time,” says the jubilant Anga better known as NaakMusiq.
“I still can’t believe we won R1 million – it’s a dream come true! I definitely had the best celebrity partner and the whole Tropika experience is one I will never forget,” added Bongs.
New hostess Minnie Dlamini and Games Master Jonathan Boynton-Lee, did a splendor job set on the picturesque white sands and turquoise waters of the Seychelles.
In line with their long-standing support for the Childhood Cancer Foundation of South Africa (CHOC), Tropika collaborated with celebrity contestants and consumers to raise funds for the foundation.