2024 season was full of surprises.
From Ad business dwindling in both first and second quarter, to an overwhelming increase of Ad placement towards the end of the year. Its true business is no small feat, but we soldiered on with my team!
Having said that, would like to send our sincere and wholehearted gratitude to our clients, whom some would not want to be mentioned, for believing in our brand. Yes, its never easy since digital world is different ‘animal’ altogether. A big thank You!
To our readers, suppliers et al, we would like to say thank you for your unwavering support, we would not have made it without You!
To our freelancers, it’s never easy especially when at times, your payments are not honoured on time. We say lets keep pushing this envelope.
Have a safe, healthy and prosperous festive break with your loved ones.
From the entire team, we say PULA!!!