National Gvt to step in and stabilise out of order NW

This means or allows national government to take over to ensure stability and service delivery when a province proves incapable of doing so.

Unrepentant. Residents of NW up in arms demanding service delivery and resignation of premier Supra Mahumapelo.

NW has been plagued into disaster with lootings, torching of buildings and shops, cars and trucks burnt in Mahikeng- the capital City- but grew to other areas following alleged reports of corruption by premier Supra Mahumapelo.

Unfortunately, the hardest-hit are the innocent following the halting of health services in the province that sparked the crises.

Some of the health workers have been threatened at work thus putting lives of patients at risk. This prompted the minister of health Dr Aaron Motsoaledi and Military Police Emergency Services to intervene.

Communications Minister Nomvula Mokonyane, confirmed the invoke by the Government and also indicated ministerial task team will head to North West and report back on any further interventions needed.

“Cabinet has approved the invoking Section 100(1)(b) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996 to address the apparent crisis, particularly in the health sector.

The main objective of this intervention would be to restore trust and confidence between labour and government, to assist the province to upgrade its systems and capabilities to a new normality, to ensure compliance with the legislative and regulatory framework of government and lastly to stabilise the labour environment to restore sustainable service delivery and ensure security of staff and improve financial management.”

Although the intervention is welcomed by many, the bone of contention is the demand of resignation of Mahumapelo.

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