Sir Ketumile Masire to be buried next to his wife

Friends in struggle. Botswana former Pres Sir Ketumile Masire (left) in happier times with ex-SA President Thabo Mbeki. Sir Masire will be put to rest at his final place in Kanye, Botswana today. Mbeki is part of mourners attending the burial. 

He will be buried at his home Kanye today, next to his wife, according to the family.

His body was laid at the country’s Parliament for public viewing on Wednesday, and thousands of mourners came in numbers to bid farewell to the man they revered so much and spoke highly of.

“An academic, educator, father, firm believer of democracy,” were some of the superlatives used to describe the fallen gallant.

At his State funeral, dignitaries such SA former President Thabo Mbeki, Zim’s Robert Mugabe, former Mozambique president Armando Guebuza, former OAU secretary general Salim Ahmed Salim and former Tanzanian president Benjamin Mkapa, are in attendance.

Sir Masire is praised for promoting the social and economic well-being of Botswana during his 18-year reign.

He’s also credited for bringing stability to that country.

The firm believer in agriculture, Sir Masire died this week at the Gaborone hospital at age 91.

Robalang ka ntho madi a tshologe boo Masire. Pula!


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