SSCN Africa honours sport stars

SABC Radio Park served as the playing ground for victory for sports development on the continent, with 138 grassroots organisations, from 13 countries, in attendance.

The players – the Sport for Social Change Network (SSCN) Africa, in partnership with the Leading Like Mandela organisation – hosted an inaugural SSCN Africa Awards 2022.

This game changing event gives recognition and prestige to individuals and organisations that use sports to drive social impact programmes within their immediate communities             

Network Director for SSCN Africa, Allan Williams, said “We are incredibly proud of the outcome of the evening.

To be able to recognise African organisations who have demonstrated excellence in using sports, physical activity, or physical education to contribute to the development and peace on the continent. These individuals and organisations contribute immensely towards the goals of Agenda 2063, which is the African Union’s strategic framework for inclusive and sustainable development, as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals”.

14 deserving winners from across the African continent were presented with various awards across categories that included Health and Wellbeing, Economic Empowerment, Inclusion, Safe Sport and the special award, SSCN Leading Like Mandela Champion.  

The  sought-after SSCN Africa Leading Like Mandela Champion Award, which recognises a high-profile individual and influencer who has contributed to the promotion of the sport for peace and development movement in Africa was conferred to Charles Nyambe, from Namibia.

Nyabe currently serves as the Regional President and Managing Director, Special Olympics Africa.

His passion for sports development in Africa saw him receive the 2021 Lifetime National Award, the highest honour for an individual contributing to sport development in the country, from the Namibian Sports Commission.

SSCN Africa Award Winners 2022: 

South Africa

Good Health and Wellbeing Award – Waves for Change (Muizenberg, Cape Town)

A South African based organisation that delivers surf therapy courses through a network of Beach Hubs.

Safe Sport Award – School of Hardknocks (Woodstock, Cape Town)

 School of Hard Knocks uses sport, a research-based curriculum and in-depth mentoring, to help people improve their physical and mental well-being.

Gender Equality Award – United Through Sport (UTS) (Newton Park, Gqeberha)

 Creates more inclusive and equal sporting events for non-Olympic sports as well as Olympic, Paralympic and the Special Olympics. UTS is a unique bridge uniting the international sport community through sports, towards giving youth across the 5 continents opportunities to thrive and flourish.

Quality Education Award – Altus Sport (Silver Lakes Golf Estate, Pretoria)

 Focusses on sport development and aims to develop quality youth sport leaders who will each make a positive difference in someone’s life.

Environment Award – I am Water (Muizenberg, Cape Town)

 I am Water practices ocean conservation through a transformative human ocean experience. Their mission is to ignite a movement of blue minds across the planet, to facilitate physical and emotional connections to the aquatic environment, to build understanding of the interdependence of healthy humans and healthy oceans, as well as to influence behaviours to protect our global seas.


Inclusion Award – Bacop – (Mukono, Uganda)

 Balamu Community Outreach Program (BACOP) was founded in 2012 with the main purpose of serving the community. The organisation brings together groups of community members who are dedicated to improving the livelihood of local communities through education, skill development, and provision of health services.

Social Cohesion Award – Youth Sport Uganda (Kampala, Uganda)

 Established in 2006, Youth Sport Uganda (YSU) is a sport development organization which offers sporting opportunities for underprivileged youth in Uganda. They develop social skills and confidence of disadvantaged youth and girls from informal settlements     , through working with school and out of school programs.


Economic Empowerment Award – Special Education Professionals, SEP (Nairobi, Kenya)

 SEP is an organisation of therapists and special needs teachers working with children with disabilities. SEP works in a multidisciplinary team, applying a transdisciplinary approach. It focuses on the family, with parents becoming key partners for the intervention of their child. SEP operates in Nairobi and selects rural areas.

On the night, regional awards from different organisations in Africa were also awarded to various organisations, namely; from the North region, Tibu Africa. The East region, Esperance. West region, Whizz Kids Uganda. The South, Grootbos Foundation and finally Central, Mailaka

“We will continue to ensure that the magnitude of the work that these organisations do only grows from here. We are confident that new partnerships were built with the aim of continuing to try and improve the quality of life for many disadvantaged individuals throughout Africa,” concludes Williams.    

Visit the SSCN website on for more information

Leading Like Mandela” The Mandela Leadership Development Program was established in 2012 with Nelson Mandela as its Chief Patron to continue the leadership legacy of Nelson Mandela, one of the most respected and iconic leaders in the world today, in promoting social justice, peace and sustainable development across Africa and the world.

This program comes at a time when the country, the continent and in fact the world calls out for great leaders, conscious leaders who strive to improve the lives of their people sustainably, transformational leaders who will resolve the challenges we face today to create a better world for all, leaders leading like Mandela.

“It is in your Hands Now…” Nelson Mandela

Image supplied (Ndileka Mandela- one of Mandela’s grandchildren, in the back Eleanor and Max Sisulu and unidentified guest at the awards ceremony held at the SABC).

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