Students march to Pretoria for free tertiary education!

On a warpath. Students will march to Pretoria yet again, today for fees must fall campaign.

However police have said that permission for the march has been denied, making it illegal, because student leaders could not confirm who would be receiving their memorandum at the Union Buildings.

Students have started gathering at Church Square in Pretoria for the march to the Union Buildings.

They are holding placards and singing Struggle songs under heavy police watch. More police officers are stationed at the Union Buildings.

The Tshwane Metro Police Department has warned members of the public of possible interruption to normal activities.

About 3000 students were expected to participate in the march, spokesman Senior Superintendent Isaac Mahamba said.

He said most streets in the CBD would be greatly affected, and motorists and members of the public who would be travelling to the heart of the capital were advised to take extra precautionary measures.

Renewed #FeesMustFall protests, which have the potential for the university to shut down the 2016 academic year, started more than two weeks ago after Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande announced that state universities could hike next year’s fees, but the increase would be capped at eight percent.

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Nothing wrong in losing to minnows, but how AmaKhosi lost is very concerning


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