Support CrisisOnCall’s non profit organisation on Mandela Day

CRISISOnCall recognises the significance of Mandela Day, making a contribution towards social upliftment should be an ongoing initiative, something that is done more than just one day a year,” says Hendrik Neethling, chief executive officer at CrisisOnCall.

“We currently have ongoing food support projects with various non-profit organisations in the country throughout the year, however two that we would like to draw the public’s attention to are Harmonie Park and Deo Gloria House, as they are in urgent need of more food supplies and essential daily items.”

If you are looking to support a social initiative this Mandela day, CrisisOnCall recommends Harmonie Park in Sunnyside, Pretoria who cater for 200 South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) pensioners and Deo Gloria House in Krugersdorp who run a community food kitchen catering for 100 children and 50 elderly on a daily basis.

These two organisations are working tirelessly to support under-resourced and vulnerable groups. “We will be collecting daily essential items and non-perishables for these two organisations up until Monday, 25 July 2022.

If you would like to make a contribution, items can be dropped off at head office 624 Makou Street, Pretoria where all the donated goods will be delivered to Harmonie Park and Deo Gloria House on Friday, 29 July 2022,” says Neethling.

“As a company that responds to frequent and urgent crisis situations, we realise that hunger and malnutrition is also a crisis, one that impacts 6.5 million South Africans. Access to a healthy food supply and good nutrition, increases cognition, focus and sustained attention, and we often find that accidents happen when someone is fatigued or tired.

Good rest and food can decrease the likelihood of an accident, whether it be on the road or even in your own home,” says Neethling.

To find out more about this donation drive contact CrisisOnCall on 0861 57 47 47.

To find out more about CrisisOnCall and their services, visit their website: will be your voice in times of need, especially when a home emergency occurs.

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