The Arch is back home!

Our living gallant. The ArchBishop Desmond Tutu was discharged from hospital following a treatment for his recurring prostate cancer treatment.

The 83 year old was tread for a recurring infection related to treatment for his prostate cancer, after being hospitalized over the weekend at Cape Town hospital.

Daughter Reverend Mpho Tutu said in a statement, the ‘oldman’ would continue his recovery at home.

“The infection was a consequence of treatment for prostate cancer that the archbishop has received over the past 18 years. The cancer, itself, was well under control,” Mpho said.

The wife Gogo Leah is also showing no signs of stress.

He was visited at his bedside by former President Thabo Mbeki. Pres Zuma sent his messages of recovery as well.

The nobel peace laureate, retired from public life in 2010, but has kept speaking out in a wide range of issues, including corruption among South Africa’s political elite.

Meanwhile, locally and internationally messages of hope and prompt recovery has been sent to the family from ordinary folks to key figures.

In Cape Town, community churches continued to pray prior and after his discharge.

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