To Gin or not to Gin- celebrate heritage month with a gin at the Cradle Gin fest

I like the concept because for one and only, reason: gin has grown to be my favourite drink lately, that has also burgeoned amongst young female groupies.

To them it means no babalaas the following day; yet for yours truly it does not possess that strong flavoured aroma we’re used to- especially when driving.

To unwind and let hair loose- the inaugural Cradle Gin Festival is set to take place at Glenburn Lodge (Muldersdrift) on September 23 (Sunday) 2018 with International and Craft Gin Distillers. The following day its a holiday- so cum one, cum all…

The fest will see over 20 Distilleries – some industry favourites along with exciting new entrants to the ever-growing gin scene.

The venue will see all variants from gin & tonic on display, including signature cocktails, all expertly crafted by talented ginsmiths and mixologists.

“We are extremely excited that Qualito Craft Distillery has come aboard,” says Melody Barber from Be Different Brand Builders and gin festival organiser.

“With their Saint G&T non-alcoholic gin our non-drinkers that are attending the festival can now also savour the taste of gin without compromising the taste.  It has been made to drink with your favourite mix, as you would with G&T. Dry and sugar-free, it feels like a properly grown-up drink without the consequences.”

‘Cradle Gin Festival’ also allows travellers to visit the famous Cradle of Humankind in Maropeng- a stone throw away from Glenburn Lodge, whose GM Nigel Peel commented:” I can’t wait for gin fans to take part in this brilliant festival, that will be showcasing some fantastic craft gins and maybe even create some new gin fans.”

A dedicated play area will be available for kids on the day-so will be local bands that will ‘ginitically’ provide entertainment throughout the day. This will be a different outdoor relaxing offering to the local market – that of the festival – which is hoped to be an annual event.

Artisanal food will be on offer, so will be overnight show and stay accommodation package at the lodge on discounted rates and for bookings go to:  or call 011 668 1600 and quote ‘Jus Gin’ to qualify for a special discount.

There are a limited number of tickets available, so book on or in-store at Edgars, Postnet, JET or CAN to avoid disappointment:

  •  R150-00 per person which includes a beautiful large gin glass, one gin & tonic tasting tokens and entertainment in a beautiful river setting
  • R350-00 per person for a VIP experience which includes a beautiful large gin glass, one gin & tonic tasting tokens, entertainment in a beautiful river setting plus a lunch and bottled water

To Gin or not to Gin- be there…

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