Communications Minister to face the wrath of ANC!

This face says a million. Called to order Faith Muthambi- communications minister to face the wrath of ANC big shots on the controversial migration policy.

Following the above remark his bosses at Luthuli House are having none of it.

According to the press statement sent, Muthambi had no mandate to talk about decisions taken at the ANC’s recent national general council, where the policy on digital migration was discussed.

In a statement signed by ANC communications subcommittee chairperson Jackson Mthembu, the ANC said Muthambi had no mandate to speak on the issue discussed at the NGC over the weekend.

Muthambi will also be reprimanded for calling Mthembu a liar.

On Sunday the ANC said it wanted to meet with Muthambi to discuss the issue because it had not been consulted about digital migration.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, Muthambi disputed Mthembu’s comments that the ANC was unhappy about the digital migration deadline, the encryption component of the process and instability at the SABC, claiming these were never discussed at the NGC.

But the ANC lashed out at Muthambi on Tuesday, with ANC spokesman Zizi Kodwa saying the party would schedule an urgent meeting between the ministries of post and telecommunications and communication.

“We want to assert that the responsibility to communicate the ANC NEC conference, the NGC and other decisions reside with the secretary-general of the ANC, spokesperson of the ANC and chairpersons of ANC NEC subcommittees.

“It is unfortunate that Minister Muthambi, despite this reality, she opted again to speak on ANC decisions unmandated and in the process she unfortunately accused the chairperson of the subcommittee of being a liar,” Kodwa said.

This would be interesting to see how it turns out because Muthambi is no pushover.

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