Announcing the increases in September 2013, Dries la Grange, Chief Executive Officer of Bestmed, said that the scheme’s increase per benefit option ranges from 0% to 10% on risk contribution.
“The scheme has also enhanced the medical savings account of Beat 2 from 15% to 17% to give members more benefits to fund day-to-day expenses. Bestmed’s introduction of a 3% savings account on its Pace 4 option will certainly offer members on this benefit-rich executive plan some flexibility,” says la Grange.
According to Bestmed’s Executive Head of Sales, Marketing and Distribution, Alan Fritz, the scheme has introduced real value with the 2014 benefit enhancements, and has kept increases in line with market expectations.
“Bestmed has a track record of ensuring that benefit increases are kept as low as possible as it has a very good grasp of how the overburdened consumer has to foot the bill.
“None of Bestmed’s benefit options,” notes Fritz “has self-funding gaps therefore increases reflected are in absolute terms. The intermediary community and other stakeholders have made a meaningful contribution to our product development and members can rest assured that their best interests were taken into account.”
The ‘Just Rewards programme’, that the scheme members can join, was also launched.
“This reward programme is based on providing members with instant incentives, without having to accumulate points before the benefit can be claimed. We are happy to be working with our rewards programme provider and excited about this unique programme developed for interested members and individuals,” says Fritz.
Lifestyle and preventative healthcare programmes have always been at the forefront of Bestmed’s strategies. According to Fritz the enhancements on the preventative healthcare benefits have been well received by the market.
Furthermore, the scheme announced that its service provider strategy is currently being implemented, whilst its GP network is up and running, providing members with access to quality healthcare.
The specialist and other allied professionals’ network is progressing well and full implementation is planned for first quarter 2014.
In conclusion, La Grange re-committed the scheme to service excellence and assured attendees that with a service level above 80 percent and improving process efficiencies, Bestmed will not only aim at satisfying the needs of members, but also exceeding their expectations, demonstrating its philosophy of customer intimacy.
With the economic downturn, the profile of various members will be affected thus Bestmed has or will make available tailor-made schemes for every member to suit her/him pocket.
Reputable organizations within the business and health sector also concured with the programmes identified and implemented by the scheme as being too advanced as opposed to other medical houses in the country.
Their’s is quality healthcare should and cannot be compromised.
On the issue of NHI some had their reservations but agreed it can only work if government plays its card openely and transparent with no ‘red-tapes.’