ANC reacts strongly to racists posts!

“The African National Congress condemns in the strongest terms unwarranted comments posted on social media by well known Economist, Mr Chris Hart and Miss Penny Sparrow an estate agent with one of the leading estate agent companies in South Africa.

These racially painful and disrespectful posts have gone to the extend of calling black people of this country as “monkeys”. Such remarks are reminiscent of the apartheid attitude towards the indigenous people of this country. They also degrade black people as people not deserving of using the beaches in their country of birth,” read the statement.

In the continuation of the posts #PennySparrow and # JustinVanVuuren went further to post on social media that “black people should be banned from beaches and “go back where they came from” and take their “13 kids with them”.

Sparrow who works for a reputable Estate Agent in Durban, has or will be fired, according to the reports. She’s also a DA member whose membership has been withdrawn and will face disciplinary hearing.

DA has been in the media for wrong reasons following recent media blitz on their MP Dianne Kohler-Barnard, who was recalled for racial remarks. Her suspension has since been lifted.

Hart is a global Economist with Standard Bank Group.

On Sunday, Hart tweeted: “More than 25 years after Apartheid ended, the victims are increasing along with a sense of entitlement and hatred towards minorities…”

In response the bank said in statement:” Standard Bank Group distances itself from comments made by Chris Hart on Twitter on 3 January 2016. The comments made by him are factually incorrect, make inappropriate assumptions about South Africa and have racist undertones,” the bank said in a statement.

“Accordingly, Standard Bank Group will be initiating the appropriate internal disciplinary processes to ensure that these types of personal comments are not associated with Standard Bank Group in the future. We expect our colleagues in every country to at all time reflect the values of Standard Bank Group.”

“Mr Hart and Ms Sparrow should have known better and should not be allowed to polarize our society. We have made great progress in building this nation and no amount of racism from individuals or groups must be allowed in our society,” read the ANC press release.

Other political organizations and some celebrities have poured their hearts out on the posting.

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