ASA prepares for World Athletics Race Walking

A SIX-MEMBER national team has been announced by Athletics South Africa for the 2022 World Athletics Race Walking Team Championships to be held in Muscat, Oman on 4-5 March.

The national squad for the biennial event, which will be held for the first time since 2018 due to the Covid pandemic, will be spearheaded by a trio of men from Athletics Gauteng North (AGN) who will compete in the 20km team competition.

The three-man squad features experienced athlete Wayne Snyman – delivered a two-time African Games bronze medallist, along with 24-year-old Tumisang Pule and Sizwe Ndebele, who are no strangers to the podium at the national championships.

Three other South African athletes will compete in individual races in their respective divisions.

Marissa Swanepoel, the 20-year-old SA student champion from Athletics Central North West (ACNW), will be eager to gain valuable experience at the highest level in the senior women’s 20km event.

Christiaan Bester (Boland Athletics) and Janise Nell (ACNW) will turn out in the U20 men’s and women’s 10km races, respectively.

“We congratulate the athletes and their coaches for this achievement The team is carrying the mandate that we give to all national athletes and that is to win medals.

“We expect to see them pulling together as a team no matter how tough the competition is. They have worked hard to be selected to represent South Africa and therefore the battle is now against the world,” said James Moloi the President of Athletics South Africa.

The SA squad will be led by coach Chris Britz and team manager Nthatisi Mokhele.



1ChristiaanBESTERMale10k U20BOLA
2JaniseNELLFemale10k U20ACNW
3MarissaSWANEPOELFemale20k SeniorACNW
4SizweNDEBELEMale20k SeniorAGN
5TumisangPULEMale20k SeniorAGN
6WayneSNYMANMale20k SeniorAGN

Team Management

1ChrisBRITZMaleTeam CoachAGN
2NthatisiMOKHELEFemaleTeam ManagerCGA

The team consists of 3 Men in the 20km team category and 3 individual athletes in the following categories: U20 10km men & women, and 20km women.

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