Gauteng Tourism suspend staff as OR Tambo Airport security breach bleeds

Worried. The GTA CE Siphiwe Ngwenya says the organization has launched investigations into the suspension of staff following bribery allegations.

Just days ago, the Gauteng Tourism Authority has placed eight of its staff members on ‘precautionary’ suspension, following reports of bribery and corruption, stationed at the Authorities Information Desk.

This was confirmed by GTA, after one Kempton Park Guest House owner brought to attention the concerns.

For fear of reprisal (guest house name withheld) complained that GTA staff took bribery from porters, taxi owners and accommodation establishments for a favour or referral.

“We’ve placed the total staff complement based at O.R. Tambo on precautionary suspensions while we consider the matter,” says CE Siphiwe Ngwenya.

“We hope to conclude the investigation within the next 30 days and urge anyone who might have information that could assist us to come forward.”

Ngwenya said the organisation took a dim view of any unethical conduct and would spare no effort in investigating the allegations.

Recently, OR Tambo’s security has been beefed up following reports in March this year, were more than R20 million was stolen by men dressed as police officers.

There have also been reports of syndicates working from the airport that target travelers in hijackings and house robberies.

The issue of bag pilferage and stealing is also a nightmare, having lost my valuable items early this year.

At the time of publishing, GTA spokesperson did not respond on the following:

How long has the issue of bribery has been on-going?

Should the perpetrators be found guilty what would happen, since they’re on’ precautionary’ suspension?

What measures have been put into place to curb the occurrence of this nature in future?

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