I pointed out during an interview on Power FM recently that judging by what has been happening just recently … the weekend-long ANC NEC meeting held about a fortnight ago, the ANC’s extended National Working Committee meeting a few days ago, the National Assembly … a clear picture is beginning to take shape, and that picture is that Jacob Zuma is a mafia head (please notice that I did not say ‘shower head’), and that members of the coterie are his.
Instead of him accounting to the organisation, it serves him.
I also pointed out that I have a sense that the matter has complicated so much that, one – the ANC is too paralysed to move, or, two – the ANC leaders want Zuma out but do not want to be seen to be responsible for it. Put differently, I feel that the ANC hopes that ordinary citizens like those in Iceland will rise up and put in motion a series of events which will force him out, thereby leaving them (ANC cowards … sorry, I meant ANC leaders) with clean hands, in that way avoiding a potential split.
Either way, at the centre of my argument is the fact that we do not need the ANC anymore to help us with their bonkers president.
Instead, we need to depend on ourselves as ordinary South Africans to take matters into our own hands and help the country out of the cataclysm we see happening with swelling frequency.
It is time that those of us who understand (contrary to the twaddle the Zuma disciples said in parliament Tuesday) that Jacob Zuma has indeed violated the constitution, to sit our parents and neighbours down and let them know in simple terms why Jacob Zuma is far from being fit to occupy the highest office in the land, and to explain why, through its unbroken endorsement of one man who seems to be waking up daily only to scandalize us, the ANC is guilty of the same crime.
The matter is far too advanced to want to engage the ANC anymore on it. It has all signs of having left the ANC behind. We should be encouraging all self-respecting pastors across the country to educate their congregations about the shenanigans of one Jacob Zuma and the ANC. We should be encouraging these pastors to show why the ANC should be voted out of power so that another party is given a chance to run the affairs of our beloved country.
In our classrooms as our teachers teach history, our learners should see a demonstration, a juxtaposition between the ANC of Mandela, Lembede, Dube, Plaatje, KaSeme, and the rotten ANC of Gwede Mantashe and Jacob Zuma. Learners should be made to understand today’s ANC for what it is – a foul smell poking holes through our lungs.
In book clubs and societal meetings, the question whether we can afford to wait for 2019 to restore our dignity should be posed and discussed. Urgently, resolutions should be taken to have the interests of our country prevailing as they should over and above that of a party.
Every day when we go to work in taxis and buses we must talk about how today’s ANC is bad for the country, for our future. Every day at work when we have our tea and smoke time, those that are able to properly articulate the garbage we find ourselves in should take time to explain things.
Through its (in)action, and through its public statements, the ANC has completely ignored and shown the middle finger to a strong current of views held by ordinary South Africans that our current president subtracts generously more than increasing us as a country.
The ANC has therefore abandoned the baton, and ordinary South Africans must assume the centre-stage and show both Zuma and the ANC the door.
Ed Note. Maruping is an independent commentator. Visit social media platforms for his works.