Jet’s campaign well received by Soweto pupils!

Taking a break after the master-class session. Pupils from Hlakaniphani Primary posing with one of the tutors.

Fast forward to today, things have radically changed were one can easily become what he/she dreams of becoming in the future.

Enters Jet, the leading fashion retail giant that has initiated what is called #SchoolTheFuture campaign targeting pupils from the age of three to four at Hlakaniphani Primary School, Dlamini-Soweto. It was launched last year.

The campaign -as part of back to school initiative -seeks to encourage school going kids to think out of the box and also pursue a career either as a set decorator, filmographer, stylist or anything in your community instead of the usual careers.

With the world evolving and Jet coming on board, our kids would now be in better position to think for themselves what career path they would like to choose and how they develop themselves to come terms with the evolving economical landscapes globally.

It is said education not only happens in classrooms but most careers aren’t only forged with skills you learn in schools and Jet set out to show pupils of today creative careers they could follow.

To drum the message home, three influential figures from various backgrounds a student and director, a stylist, and a communicator took time to explain those possibilities.

Koketso Mogale, Tshegofatso Selahle and Kevin Mojapelo interacted and questioned the pupils on their prospective careers during the one-day master-class session.

“It was remarkable. When we first asked the kids what they wanted to be in the future, their answers were limited to veterinarians, lawyers, psychologist or doctors. We even had a future soldier in the class.

It was great to see the kids absorb the possibility of a creative career. When we asked what they had learnt at the end of the day, we had careers like director, actor, producer, sound technician and stylist in the mix,” said Mogale.

After the masterclass, the kids got first-hand experience with a behind-the-scenes tour of the upcoming Jet #SchoolTheFuture Ad being shot at the school.

school kids
Sky is limitless. Pupils at Hlakaniphani Primary punching the air with joy after learning about other careers they could pursue.

“The message really hit home when the kids got to see these careers in action, as well as interact with renowned director Allison Martin.

This Back-to-School ad focuses on schooling the future – a good fit for them to be schooling real kids to open their minds to careers that may otherwise be overlooked.

One of the parents commented: “We are so pleased the kids have had this opportunity.
It has really helped to broaden our thinking when we think about our children’s possible career choices.”

The campaign is expected to grow to other regions, since Hlakaniphani Primary School was used as a pilot project.

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