
Joburg Tourism nominated in WTM

“This being the second time Joburg Tourism has been nominated, we’re thrilled with the news and call on all our stakeholders to please support our nomination by voting online for JTC,” says Acting CEO, Phelisa Mangcu.

The official online voting is now open at www.worldtravelawards.com/vote and close November 25 2012.  The votes are cast by travel, tourism and hospitality professionals and the consumer traveller, whether leisure or business.

A vote cast by a registered travel agency employee carries a weighting of two whilst the consumer vote counts as one vote.

The World Travel Awards was founded in 1993 to recognise, acknowledge and reward excellence in the travel, tourism and hospitality industry worldwide. Now in their 19th year, World Travel Awards is regarded as the highest achievement in travel, tourism and hospitality.  A full list of nominations is available on the World Travel Awards website at www.worldtravelawards.com/nominees

In terms of Johannesburg’s Growth and Development Strategy (GDS) the Joburg 2040- tourism remains an economic growth imperative on the city’s agenda. It is an important catalyst to encourage the development of the SMME sector in order to stimulate the growth and development of a vibrant second economy. 

It is therefore, Johannesburg Tourism’s strategy mission to attract visitors to Joburg, encourage them to stay longer, spend more, improve seasonality patterns and the spread of visitors across the city. 

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