June and Andrew Mlangeni Foundation focuses on education as part of Mandela Day

Patron and Trustee of the Foundation Dr Andrew Mlangeni says “I’m delighted that the Foundation will be focusing on education this year, this is what Dr Nelson Mandela would have wanted. He devoted a great deal of his time and resources to education, as he said, it is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

In his speech to UNESCO in Paris and to the United Nations in New York in 2013, Dr. Mlangeni said “we still have serious challenges of redressing the injustices of the past, with a sizeable number of our people still living in poverty.  

Inequality and unemployment are other challenges. The government’s National Growth Path has set ambitious targets to accelerate the transformation of our country, including growing the economy to address these challenges. We call on our friends from around the world to support this burgeoning democracy the way you did during the struggle against apartheid.”

Former Statesmen Kgalema Motlanthe is a Patron.

The June and Andrew Mlangeni Foundation has its roots in Dube, Soweto, where June and the children resided while her husband, Andrew was incarcerated in Robben Island.

June started caring for the elderly by making them clothes and preparing meals for them.

Head of Business Development at Trans-Africa Projects Richard Magongo says “As a Pan-African Engineering Consultancy firm, Trans Africa Project (Pty)Ltd, supports education development, especially for previously disadvantaged communities.

We want to encourage pupils to become future engineers who will provide the required skills for the development of the necessary infrastructure for South Africa and the continent of Africa”.

The event begins from 11 am at Khomanani Primary School, Diepkloof Zone 2 and the Charity Convoy will then move to the next school at 12:30 to Sizanani Primary School in Dube.

Image (Remembered, celebrated Dr Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (left), in the company of current Pres Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa (standing) and another struggle stalwart Dr Andrew Mlangeni).  

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