This follows an extreme yet exciting competitiveness of players’ who are eagered to book their berth in the international finals to be held in Poland in June 27 during the Poland-Ukraine Euro 2012.
Three Gauteng teams will be joined by Western Cape Guess Who, Mamba Fives and Galacticos, and The Untouchables, Durban Classic and Leopards from KwaZulu-Natal.
The purpose of the five-a-side competition is to give the under 18s a chance to play against each other competitively, and prepare them to face their international counterparts, psychologically and physically. Players’ should should have not played professional indoor football, as stipulated by the organisers.
Kia Champ into the Arena ambassador Andre Arendse says the Gauteng finals lived up to the pre-tournament hype with some excellent football played.
“We saw some excellent five-a-side football dished out. The standard has been excellent and I cannot wait to see the national finals this weekend. Kia should be congratulated for providing this opportunity for these teams to showcase their talent,” Arendse says.
As part of festivities, media will play against KIA team.
So, the winning team on Sunday should all have their traveling documents ready, and fly the SA flag with aplomb in Poland.
Only 15 teams worldwide will be partaking in the finals.
KIA representative was not available for comment.