Mamelodi Community benefits from Sun Arena’s continued investment

Since adopting the school in 2018, Time Square has invested R452 070 into development projects to enhance the learning environment for learners.

These include the development of a fully equipped Consumer Studies classroom and a Sewing and Embroidery classroom. Both projects are now complete and were officially handed over to the Mamelodi East Pre-Vocational School’s principal, Semola Matlala, on Friday, 25 October 2019.

“Time Square takes a special interest in Tshwane’s community life and commits resources, support and skills to projects that have the potential to uplift and improve quality of life. We live our promise to create shared value by encouraging community participation and by collaborating in initiatives that lead to sustainable community building, and sustained change for the better.

Our efforts are primarily focused on education, in line with Sun International’s socio economic development approach as we believe that education can address poverty and empower people to live their best possible lives,” says Brett Hoppé, General Manager at Time Square.

Establishment of the Consumer Studies and Sewing and Embroidery classrooms is aligned with Sun International’s Adopt A School programme and its approach to Creating Shared Value – a well-researched and globally applied model that focuses on aligning business needs with society’s needs thereby creating shared value for all and genuine sustainable community development.

The Group’s Adopt A School programme is focused on upgrading hospitality classrooms at schools situated in underprivileged communities to properly equip learners for pursuing further studies and a career in the hospitality sector.

“This programme not only provides opportunities for Consumer Studies learners to learn in a conducive and appropriately equipped environment, but it will help to create a pool of qualified and employable people for the hospitality sector, which like many sectors, is faced with a shortage of skills,” says Sun International’s Group Social Economic Development Specialist, Heidi Edson. 

Time Square will be investing in upgrades to the Metal and Welding Workshop, the Hairdressing Room and the Motor Mechanic Workshop at Mamelodi East Pre-Vocational School which was established to provide real world, vocational training to young people from Mamelodi who have learning difficulties.

Hoppé says: “We love what this school stands for and what they are doing to better equip young people for life in the real world. Time Square is proud to be associated with the school and to be in a position to help improve its facilities and learning environment for the benefit for the learners.

We are focused on enhancing the classrooms for vocational subjects that could one day feed appropriately trained young people into our industry. It would be all the return on investment we need to have young people from Mamelodi East Pre-Vocational School appointed into positions of housekeeper, maintenance manager or chef in the future.”

Image (At the handover of the two classrooms at Mamelodi East Pre-Vocational School, from left Mrs Nel (Principal: The Glen High School), Thabo Mosololi (Chief Operating Officer: Sun International), Mme Hilda Kekana (District Director: Gauteng Education Department), Brett Hoppé (General Manager: Time Square), Mr Mpofu (Education Support: DDG), Zanele Mthembu (Chief Director: Gauteng Education Department: Tshwane Region), Ms Matlala (Principal: Mamelodi East Pre-Vocational School), Tati Tsunke, ( Human Resources manager: Time Square Manager) and Lettie Masombuka (Governing Body Chairperson: Mamelodi East Pre-Vocational School).

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