In a statement‚ Modise said: “The CSPB has approved that Pistorius be placed under correctional supervision‚ as a probationer‚ in line with Section 276 (1) (i) of the Criminal Procedure Act‚ read together with the Correctional Services Act‚ Act 111 of 1998‚ as amended that says an offender may serve only one sixth of his/her sentence in custody‚ and continue to serve the remaining period of the sentence under correctional supervision.
“In line with the provisions of both the Criminal Procedure and Correctional Services Acts‚ the family of the victim was invited and participated in the deliberations of Correctional Supervision and Parole Board.
“The implementation of the sentence as directed by court‚ as well as the provisions of Correctional Services Act (Act 111 of 1998)‚ is an independent and separate process from any pending appeals.”
Meanwhile, Reeva’s parents are shocked and dismayed by the sudden news, according to the family’s lawyer.
The public has also aired their opinions, some suggesting the law favours those with deep pockets and others questioning the justice system.