This means assist producers and performers, whose work was played on SABC radio from 2002 to 2014, will be entitled to their dues.
As part of the campaign IMPRA will host national road-shows to reach out to performers and producers, and advise on required information for making a successful claim from the needle time royalty distribution.
“Those that are able to visit the offices of IMPRA in Auckland Park, Johannesburg can do so in order to identify their work from a comprehensive play-list obtained from the public broadcaster and from there we will assist them to claim their needle time royalties,” says Dodo Monamodi, IMPRA’s chairperson and Gospel singer.
“We’re also continuously communicating with relevant stakeholders in an effort to spread the word in different parts of the country so that we can assist as many performers and producers as possible.
Even those that are not members of IMPRA are welcome to knock at our door for our services.”
Families of deceased performers are also encouraged to get in touch with IMPRA to identify the works of their departed beloved for a possible needletime royalty payment.
Dates and venues where IMPRA roadshows will be held, would be communicated through various media channels.
For more information IMPRA can be contacted on 011 482 4779 during office hours or email info@impra.co.za.
Their website can be visited on www.aircotrust.co.za or visit their offices in person at 14 Orange Street, Auckland Park, Johannesburg.
Meanwhile, MEC for sport, arts and culture Faith Mazibuki on news that SABC will comply with local content quota said:“We as the Gauteng Provincial Government are very happy with the decision taken by the SABC in choosing to play 90% local music.
This shows that the SABC is going beyond its requirements on promoting local artists and local music. We want to thank the support and efforts made by the public broadcaster towards transforming and modernizing music in our country,” says Mazibuko.