Premium Korean Food launched in SA a sign of economical certainty

Happy people. Korean Gvt officials all smiles at the Korean Premium Food launch campaign in SA.

With economical and political understandings between Korea and SA intact, a premium health food brand has been launched in the country, as a result of joint effort between aT and Kororo to market what is called K-Food campaign.

The food and products offered by aT through the K-Food Campaign focuses on using natural, fresh ingredients directly from Korea.

As part of the campaign, this past week head-honchos representing the company jetted in mzansi from Korea; for an activation and food tasting at some of well known retailers to experience products such as Laverland Crunch, Aloe Vera and Shrimp Chips, etc.

The auspicious day saw hundred of shoppers interacting with product managers and tasting chips and snack products that are baked not fried at the SPAR: Broad Acres Mall.

The focus is not only on promoting quality produce, but also on supplying various markets with healthy eating options and educating the local market on the nutritional benefits of Korean cuisine.

Other local markets that would distribute the brand are Dischem, Clicks and Kauai, with other retailers having an opportunity to market it nationally.

As part of investment in SA, the aT campaign will amongst others:

*Offer competitive pricing;

*Offer niche product which will appeal to a large audience in South Africa;

Talking investment. Wemaco SA Danny Lee (right) pointing out opportunities in SA to a senior Korean delegate at the K- Food launch campaign.

*Offer supplies fresh, quality produce to all those looking for a healthy alternative.

As a company that spans over 50 years in producing healthy and premium brands in States such as South-East Asia, China, Japan, USA and Europe with over $10 billion mark on agro fishery food exports, aT in South Africa and Africa will be a force to reckon with.

Kokoro -a Korean family business is familiar with the SA market having supplied quality, healthy food as well as health-care products from South-East Asia for the past 20 years’.

The products are affordable and available in Fourways and Rivonia SPARs, respectively.

Interestingly, non Korean -South Africans have also taken to these products and are enjoying their multiple benefits.

According to Danny Lee from WEMACO SA/Kokoro Shops, the initiative was born out of keen interest by the Korean Government assisted by the Northern and Western Asia, respectively.

“The partnership also involved Hankok and our company to bring the healthy Asian food to our SA customers. Also would like to thank all the SPARs for giving us an opportunity to present our brand, this would have not been possible without their unwavering support.”

Premium Korean Food now available in SA.

“The campaign that begun in September will run until November, with likelihood to extend to nine months depending on the market’s reaction,” he quipped with affirmation.

As part of its CSI- the company has invested resources in projects aimed at making the world a better place for all to live, globally.

And SA is no exception…

The origin of the name is quite catchy:  aT is composed of a lower case ‘a’ and an upper case ‘T’.

The lower case ‘a’ represents the progressive and productive image of the organisation whose scale grows from small to big like a sprouting bud.

The spoon-shaped image symbolises a role of aT, which is responsible for healthy Korean dietary tables.

The upper case ‘T’ symbolises a tower image of the Trade Centre and expresses a global public enterprise providing exceptional service.

Yes, as outlined in my first stanza with such products in abundance in the country, our minds and Souls will be in top notch shape!

For more information go to:

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