The ‘green’ heart she was, Nedbank’s Kedi is no more!

 The disturbing news reached our inbox yesterday confirming her passing-on.

Kedi’, as she was popularly known to her peers and media fraternity, succumbed to complications from her illness, after being hospitalized for almost three weeks.

She joined Nedbank from Old Mutual in 2016 and was “an integral driving force in our strategic communications team”, read a media statement from Nedbank.

“Respected and much loved by colleagues and media, her death has come as a shock.

Our thoughts are with her family and loved ones during this time,” says Nedbank.

I personally interacted with Kedi and her capable team on numerous occasions from Nedbank Golf Challenge to annual financial reports and Budget Speechs, amongst others.

The last time I heard her voice was when she provided a comment on the death of her sibling Kabelo ‘KB’ Molopyane, the well-established radio presenter with Motsweding FM.

Details of the funeral will be shared once available.

Sleep well Kedi -we’re poorer without you. Robalang ka ntho madi a tshologe boMolopyane!

Image (‘Green’ heart. The loveable Kedibone Molopyane will be sorely missed by all and sundry).

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