Time to ‘score big’ with new Skore condoms

MZANSI has a new condom, yes.

Its known as Skore, it’s a condom range that offers today’s urban elite patented pleasure- and performance-enhancing innovations, a product of Population Services International.

O Skorile, you may wax lyrically, especially since its St Valentine Day.

Its available in two ranges, the Zeus masking scent and environment-friendly certification by the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC), and they also come with disposable pouches.

Skore’s Champion range comprises ZigZag, with a pleasure-enhancing, patented zig-zag dotted and studded design, while the Timeless variant features climax-delaying lubricant to extend the ecstasy.

As the name suggests, Skin Thin condoms are ultra-thin, so that nothing comes between the partners, enhancing intimacy and offering exquisite sensations.

“Skore is designed for young men with big ambitions for their lives, and a lust to explore all aspects of life and love to the fullest,” says Ndinatsei Mumbengegwi, Self-Care Portfolio Brand Manager at Population Services International (PSI).

“These young sophisticates appreciate the finer things in life, especially when it comes to their romantic lives—Skore was designed just for them. Skore is their perfect wingman, always ready to help them take intimacy to new heights.”

“The Skore Man is sophisticated, open to sexual experimentation but always concerned to amplify his partner’s pleasure as well as his own.

He’s well groomed, and takes care of his appearance—only the best will do for him,” continues Mumbengegwi.

“We created Skore to add the final touch to his ensemble. Before going out, every man checks that he smells good, and has a timepiece, wallet and keys.

Skore aims to be the final, essential item on the checklist, the wingman everybody needs to help him score in just the right way.”

If its not Benny in the area, let’s skora with skore condoms!

Its now available at retail shops nationally.

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