What really happened Oscar?

“Say it! Say ‘Yes, I shot and killed Reeva Steenkamp’.”

Oscar Pistorius admitted that he had killed the young model, his face turning red.

Nel had wasted no time in starting a grueling attack on the athlete, showing the world that he was not going to go soft on the man who had just provided a lengthy version of how he had accidentally killed Steenkamp.

Nel began his cross-examination by asking if Pistorius agreed he was one of the most recognisable faces in the world.

Pistorius agreed, and almost instantaneously Nel made his accusations.

After asking about the shooting, Nel began tearing into the athlete when he said he’d made a mistake.

“I know in the past people looked up to me,” said an upset looking Pistorius.

The prosecutor said Pistorius had the obligation to tell the truth. “I owe it to myself and Reeva’s family to tell the truth… I’m here to tell the truth,” Pistorius said.

Nel then wanted to present a video of Pistorius in possession of Sky News where someone was discussing a “zombie stopper”. It was unclear at the time of publication whether this referred to a firearm. Pistorius said he was unfamiliar with this video, but said he would be willing to watch it.

Roux objected to the video evidence, saying it was an ambush, and how it had never been referred to in the state’s docket.

Nel argued that this was relevant character evidence, after Pistorius’ defence had opened up such avenues by relying for the past two days on Pistorius’ character.

Roux said this video had not formed part of the state’s case. But Nel said that Pistorius had requested on the stand to see the video.

Judge Thokozile Masipa then asked for some time to decide on whether the video should be shown to the court.

Earlier Oscar Pistorius told the High Court in Pretoria that he didn’t intend to kill Reeva Steenkamp – or anybody else.

Meanwhile, during the cross examination Oscar-who was in tears and stuttering- had to adjourn the court briefly following a request from his defence.

Trial continues.


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