National Ancestors Day- could it be on the cards?

SOUTH AFRICAN’s could have its official Ancestors Day in May 2022.

Provided this is approved through petitions to be signed by the public, this could be a milestone in celebrating our African culture.

The argument is if other religions can be celebrated, why not Ancestors Day?

Known for preserving its identity Castle Milk Stout, will partner with the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa (CONTRALESA) to make Ancestors Day a reality on May 8.

Well known sangoma Gogo Dineo Ndlanzi, who defines African culture as a way of life and customs as belief systems and norms that enable that way of life, will champion the initiative.

“A person that is deeply connected and rooted to their ancestors, has a greater potential to thrive. In addition, in African culture, we believe that we don’t only inheret the land and other assets, but our personalities, our behaviours and spiritual gifts are passed on through the bloodline,” says Gogo Dineo.

Her advise for South Africans to begin their individual journeys to re-discovering the richness of their culture is to start with the first step of their own surnames.

“Surnames are passed down from our fathers, and connect us to our clans. By starting at home, they will go on a journey of discovery and self-discovery, going on to connect to your Africanness. I believe we are all connected across the continent,” she says.

Castle Milk Stout Brand Manager, Khensani Mkhombo says: “It has been argued that some aspects of African heritage are seen as less sophisticated in a modern world and are therefore losing relevance amongst the younger generation.

However, we believe that the greatest discoveries occur when modernity is informed by our cultural values and traditions, case in point being that our brew masters follow 21 steps to craft a perfectly smooth Castle Milk Stout using a combination of old school craftsmanship and modern technology,” opined Mkhombo.

At the time of publishing Contralesa was not readily available for comment.

Africa has a rich cultural- and spiritual heritage, enabling generations of African people to draw upon a vast history of experience, behaviours, values and thoughts.

Frequently though, African spirituality seems to be at odds with modernity or modern thinking, especially for those who believe that the only way forward is to put aside the things of the past. 

As a proudly South African brand that is known for endorsing African pride and excellence, Castle Milk Stout exists to inspire Africans to rediscover and embrace their traditions and values within today’s modern world.

To ensure that this day is recognised like other religious holidays, a petition can be signed on:

Image (Sangoma Gogo Dineo advocating for the Ancestors Day).

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