Pres Zuma to meet student representatives and varsity heads!!

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Ready to talk. Buses at the back transported students to Union Building, Pta to hear the address by Pres JG Zuma.

Previous negotiations have led to the government agreeing to reduce the rise in fees from more than 10 percent to six percent, but that has failed to satisfy protesters.

The [protesters] are hoping that the second meeting this week could result in no increase at all in the fees.

Critics say the increases would further disadvantage black students, who are already under-represented in universities.

On Friday, thousands of demonstrators demanding lower fees took to the streets across the country, with some trying to break down the perimeter fence surrounding the presidency office building in Pretoria.

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Up in the smoke. The scorching heat and smoke did not deter students waiting impatiently to be addressed by head of the State in Pta, as part of fees must fall campaign.

Various celebrities have also throwed their weight behind the march.
Mo-Flava from Metro FM had to call favours from friends within the industry to arrange buses for the students to the reach Pretoria.

AKA, DJ Fresh, Shimza are some of the people who offered to help, including Shaka Sisulu.

At the time of publishing it was unclear if the demands of the students were adhered to, by the President.

Meanwhile, South African students in London will also be marching to the SA High Commission on Friday in solidarity with the march to the Union Buildings.

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