Quo Vadis ANC?

With the Covid-19 pandemic crippling both social and economy the ANC has made the situation untenable following reports of malfeasance, looting and corruption in the Covid-19 procurements across the length and breath of this country.

Simply put: this does not augur well for much needed economic emancipation, joblessness and hunger that has bedevilled SA- the country whom lives were lost in the name of democracy. Or is it demon-crazy?

Is the ANC on the brink of collapse, you may wonder?

Senior leaders namely Gauteng Health MEC Bandile Masuku, his wife, Loyiso Masuku, and presidential spokesperson Khusela Diko, have been fingered in Covid-19 procurement scandals.

There are also widespread Covid-19-related scandals in KwaZulu-Natal, the Eastern Cape and in the Free State.

ANC’s secretary general Ace Magashule sons are also alleged to have benefited from corrupt dealings.

Following the national executive committee of the ANC meeting over the weekend, the same Magashule issued a statement that they agreed they should put up a fight against the scourge.

“The ANC is outraged and deeply embarrassed by recent allegations that some, including its own leaders and members, has sought to benefit unlawfully from the devastating suffering and impoverishment caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

“These developments cause us collectively to dip our heads in shame and to humble ourselves before the people.

“We acknowledge the justifiable public outrage caused by the depravity and heartlessness displayed by some elements in government, our organisation and the private sector,” he said.

The Integrity Commission of the ANC has been labelled ‘toothless dog’ for it has lacked the bite.

The Commission headed mostly by elders with integrity, was to oversee the lack of it but it seems the rot continues unabated and those who have appeared before it do as they please.

As if that that was not enough Premier of Limpopo Stanley Mathabatha has distanced himself from the controversial R64 000 ‘shacks or mkhukhu’ unveiled by his Government.

In a very school boy error comment Mathabatha a senior member of the ANC said at the cutting of ribbon in the company of other MECs: “I ‘didn’t know it was shacks’. 

How foolish does he think South Africans are?

To exacerbate matters, though personal, former minister Malusi Gigaba and ex-wife Norma also made headlines for all the wrong reasons.

This is a cancer the ruling party will have to face head-on or continuation of condemnation such as ‘voetsek’ will come back to haunt freedom fighters who lost their lives during Apartheid in the name of reconciliation and democracy.

Who’s next to line up his/her pockets?

Is Pres Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa’s leadership being questioned and undermined by such cowardly acts, your guess is just good as mine?

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