Taxicom Mobile, according to Mafenya, will disrupt the market

Yes, it will disrupt the mobile market because firstly, it will compete with established companies and secondly, it’s a black owned entity.

According to the founder and CEO Joel Mafenya, this is a purpose-built telecommunications entity that seeks to make a difference in the lives of ordinary South Africans and will be available in some of African States and international market.

Mafenya went on to highlight, it’s entry to the market should not be “construed to mean simply being a black company is a strong compelling case for support, but serves as reminder that the South African telecoms market is “slowly but surely transforming and doing its bit to ensure that consumers are spoilt for choice.”

The idea was conceived as far back as 2005, as a result of “arrogance” shown by his service provider.

“Cognizant of the significant role of mobile technology in people’s lives as we transition into a Digital Economy (4IR), the entry of Taxicom Mobile into South Africa doesn’t only set a new chapter in the local telecom space when it comes to providing the desired level of immediacy, agility and personalised customer service. Effectively, it also heralds a new era of an industry that is slowly but surely transforming,” continued Mafenya, an entrepreneur and investor in the gold mining sector, gas, telecommunications and publishing. 

As part of the company’s rollout strategy, Taxicom Mobile will deliver seamless cutting-edge mobile technology solutions to subscribers, making connectivity and usage not only widely accessible and affordable for all, but a hassle-free customer experience. 

Taxicom Mobile, albeit a new entrant will harvest same subscribers in the market dominated by the ‘big four’ mobile network operators.

“As we speak already, we have more than 10 000 quality orders from potential subscribers for SIM cards and devices. And we are optimistic that by the end of the month our numbers would have ballooned. A good start and a vote of confidence for the new baby,” says Mafenya.

It aims to create 6000 direct and indirect sustainable job opportunities and business opportunities across the country within the next five years. responded Mafenya, when asked what difference would it make in the already saturated market and white dominant?

Local business would be empowered to benefit immensely: spaza shops, taverns, stokvels, taxi associations among other channels will, through the extensive distributor/agent network partnerships, be able to sell airtime, data, devices (phones), accessories, and money transfers.

In addition, through the Taxicom Mobile App, individuals will be able to sell airtime and data to their colleagues at work, schools, universities, colleges and literally everywhere. 

The Soweto- born Mafenya went on: “Our strong focus for job creation and business opportunities would be predominantly in the townships and rural communities. For instance: Taxicom Mobile Call Centers would be decentralized located at communities not in big cities – to bring opportunities closer to where people live,” he responded, when asked what difference would it make in the already saturated market and white dominant?

The new era of technological advances has dawned, and companies are no longer confined to their specific sector of operation. As such, we are witnessing telecommunications companies cross cutting into each other sector of specialisation, notably telcos move into fintech companies – this in an effort to remain relevant. 

The launch was graced by taxi industry bosses from other provinces and Nafcoc, who committed to lend support to the project that has partnered with Mara Group- that owns Mara Mobile Phones.

He stated further that as a BOC (Black Owned Company) banks are now moving into mobile tech and TaxiCom Mobile is there to cater for that market. It’s a “new economy” he said with conviction.

As part of investing back in areas where the company will be operating it will launch Taxicom Talent Competition in the form of TaxiCom Call To Fame and Township and Rural Theatre Competition to help unearth talent in local communities.

As the theme of the company aptly goes “We are not only different, We pay You to make calls”

Who wouldn’t wanna be paid for making calls- your guess is just good as mine!

Image ( Taxicom Mobile founder and serial entrepreneur Joel Mafenya at the launch held at swanky Melrose Arch, Jozi).

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