The Colour Run (the world debut of The Superhero Tour) is less about your 10-minute-mile and more about having the time of your life, since this five-kilometre, un-timed event in which thousands of participants, or “Color Runners”, are doused from head to toe in different colours at each kilometre.
It is scheduled to begin and end at University of Johannesburg Soweto Campus, April 23.
Says national event co-ordinator, Trevor Latimer: “We are unleashing everyone’s inner hero.
“Participants are encouraged to use The Color Run as a platform for good. Whether it’s raising awareness for a good cause or raising funds for charity or even simply acknowledging that you live with Supermom, this year we celebrate the Superhero in us all.”
With only two rules, the idea is easy to follow: wear white at the starting line & finish plastered in colour!
To top it all, there’s an opportunity for two- to win a trip to Paris-for The Colour Run, so get moving folks!
“We are encouraged by being a part of this movement that has inspired thousands to put on their takkies, get active and support their communities across South Africa and the world, The Color Run is known as The Happiest 5K on the Planet – and it’s easy to see why,” says Charl Nel, head of communications at Capitec Bank.
Go to www.thecolorrun.co.za to find out more on tickets, race details and Paris trip competition.
Yep, let’s encourages runners young and old to step into spandex and don capes and masks while participating in the happiest 5K on the planet, in Soweto or kanjani?