Yes, cost of living in SA is becoming way too high and expensive!

On Wednesday, the expected fuel hike will further dampen the spirit of South Africans.

United Association of South Africa (Uasa) says the 88c/litre increase in Gauteng “will have a negative effect on inflation to the detriment of South Africa’s workers”.

“The price hike together with the 30c rise in the fuel levy‚ the rising cost of food‚ will add 0.44% to inflation directly and will keep April inflation close to 7%-8% instead of the hoped for decrease”.

“Add to this the results of the drought and the expected food inflation of between 15% and 20% over the next two years‚ as well as the recently increased interest rate and workers will have to fasten their belts as never before‚” the union said.

Going up and up…

With the increase on food, electricity and other necessities this is likely to enhance rising inflation as a result.

Unfortunately, the hardest hit is, and will always, be the ordinary person on the street who will be subjected to increased taxi fares, etc.

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