NW province bleeds as ANC infighting stifles delivery

Premier Job Mokgoro, it seems, is fighting for his dear life amid speculations that his law unto himself and runs a rogue unit in his office.

The province that is supposed to be synonymous as the rich platinum- its richness is slowly, if not, lost its SHINE!

This as Premier has been alleged to have caused irreparable rifts in the ANC in the province, and does not work with deployees of the organisation.

The interim provincial committee (IPC) has, complained to the ANC’s officials and its national executive committee about Mokgoro’s behaviour over recent years.

As such, he was was temporarily suspended from the ANC last year, along with four other members, for voting against the party’s preferred candidate for chair of chairs in the province.

IPC coordinator Hlomani Chauke, is reportedly frustrated at the slow pace things are on-going, with some of the deployees refusing to step-aside following allegations of corruption and maladministration, amongst others.

Concerns have been raised about the poor state of the province, with some claiming instructions from the IPC, according to Chauke, being ignored.

This was corroborated by the interim structure’s own report (2020 August), which lists numerous instances where Mokgoro did not inform the organisation of decisions he undertook or simply ignored its preferences.

Examples included the appointments of board members for the North West transport investment without informing the ANC, invoking Section 139 (1) (a) of (b) of the Constitution to intervene in the Mamusa Municipality and appointing administrators without consulting the mother body.

 “The party learned about the appointment of the [province’s] acting director-general on the WhatsApp group created for exco members,” according to the IPC report.

Mokgoro is said to have ignored veterans deployed to his office as political advisers. Some who serve in the ANC’s veterans league were allegedly roped into to meet with the premier in 2019 when it became apparent that relations between the IPC and the premier were strained.

Mokgoro, who took over on a temporary basis (province under Administration) following Mahumapelo’s departure, was also accused of creating political instability.

It is claimed he launched a campaign titled ‘Self Liberation’, which is said to be part of his personal campaign ahead of a much-anticipated provincial conference to elect new leadership.

“The ‘Self Liberation’ campaign created the instability at the time of its launch as a result of the positions held by comrade Paul Sebego [ANC chief whip] and comrade Job Mokgoro,” continued the report.

All this infighting has and still continue to affect service delivery.

Mahikeng, both the provincial seating of Parliament and capital City is an eye-sore, littered with potholes, poor administration, lacks capacity and has no future for investment opportunities.

Now if one may ask, if the provincial seating of Parliament is in shambles, what about other regions state of affairs in the province?

Platinum question is: who will ascend and fix the once glamorous platinum province of Bokone Bophirima that is awash with natural resources?

My call to ANC is simple: sort out your mess because the same Constituents who voted for you are now Gatvol!

Unless of course you want to lose the forthcoming Municipal Elections- that would be a bitter pill to swallow!

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