Vuyo Mbuli rugby tourney honours his memory!

Being sport enthusiasts Vuyo Mbuli legacy lives on in the form of a rugby legacy project to be bestowed upon him.

The department of Sport, Arts Culture and Recreation in Free State in partnership with Vuyo Mbuli Legacy Project and Free State Rugby will host a rugby tournament for previously disadvantaged learners in Bloemfontein.

The annual Vuyo Mbuli

Style: "Dsty Taj blue"
Gone but not forgotten. Former businessman and SABC presenter Vuyo Mbuli’s legacy will be honoured through the annual rugby tournament.

“Sharp Sharp” Rugby Tournament is an initiative to promote development rugby and in particular school rugby in the Free State.

It is scheduled from September 25 to 26 at Old Grey Sport Field.

On September 25th, Free State Rugby and the Springbok Legendswill conduct a rugby coaching clinic to 200 learners aged 8 – 11 years from various disadvantaged primary schools.

There will also be a knock-out tournament featuring 8 high school with learners aged between 14-18.

On Saturday 26, Free State Cheetahs will host The Lions at FS Stadium.

Siphosihle Mbuli (Vuyo’s daughter) said: “My Dad was passionate about development and the advancement of the black child, I’m happy that we can honour him by doing something he believed in”.

“Free State Rugby is excited and honoured to be part of these celebratory events. We look forward to the annual growth of this event and all partnerships formed” says Rory Duncan, the Director of Rugby at the Cheetahs.

Says the FS department:“The Free State Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation are both proud and privileged to be associated with the Vuyo Mbuli Legacy Project. This event has the potential to grow into one of the largest development events in the country, and we as department are looking forward to a successful and fruitful event.”

The tournament is open to the general public and Free Staters are invited to come and watch the games to support the learners as they battle out in the field.

Tickets for the Toyota Free State Cheetahs vs Lions match are on sale visit for more information.

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