Cometh the hour, cometh the man- who will it be Mayweather or McGregor?

To some, like top local promoter Rodney Berman,

Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Floyd “Money” Mayweather and Conor “The Notorious” McGregor, fight stand to gross billions.

the fight is a pure gimmick, considering that the American is undefeated in 49 fights.

He is widely considered the greatest boxer of the past 25 years.

Others, like BSA chief executive Tsholofelo Lejaka, promoter Lebo Mahoko and trainer Bernie Pailman, believe this is exactly what the sport of boxing needs in order for promoters to think out of the box.

The trio gave Mayweather their vote of confidence.

Said Lejaka: “The fight is one big enigma of a thousand illusions. It is an irritation to boxing purists, a curiosity to boxing analysts, adrenaline for an average sports fan and, of course, the biggest payday at the sport bank.

“The bottom line is that something about the business model of this fight just can’t be ignored.”

Mahoko said: “This teaches us as promoters to stop focusing in one thing yet we expect the new generation to buy into the whole idea. This is an event that will bring two diverse [sets of] fans under one roof.

All credit to Mayweather Junior for not only being a super boxer but also very good businessman.”

Pailman said: “Can people stop being prophets of doom. This is a wonderful initiative which has already captured millions if not billions of people from different spheres of life. We, as the boxing fraternity, should be proud of this and expectations should that our sport grows from this.”

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