Reality TV show stars Charley Boorman and Russ Malkin who appeared on Channel Extreme Frontiers: Canada in 2011 have embarked on South Africa for the...
“We see the frustration encountered by the students as no less than a barbaric act that seeks to set the country backward,” acting secretary general...
An appeals court upheld the sentence of Jacques Els, 39, from Thabazimbi in the extreme north of the country, according to the Afrikaans-language Beeld newspaper...
This eleventh edition of the AGH will explode with audio-visuals and live bands as both celebrated South African musos take the centre stage. Zwai, Bouga...
Recently, the housing agency appointed to handle such matters on behalf of the City, Johannesburg Social Housing Company (JOSHCO) devised a plan to large contingent...
Mkhize sent the “heartfelt” SMS about unity in the African National Congress to Mbalula at 9.08pm on Saturday, The Witness reported. It read: “I will...
His under-study and lieutenant Zeca Marques has completed his apprenticeship at Moroka Swallows following four year’s as the club’s assistant coach. “I don’t think it’s...
Dignitaries included Premier Nomvula Mokonyane, PSL football guru ntate Leepile Taunyane, and other sporting legends. Gauteng MEC for Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation Lebogang Maile...