Just recently they added what is termed the “Evolution” award and only two South Africans feature. It comprises of ten of Africa’s top contemporary musicians such...
Masondo, passed-on on Sunday after being admitted at Garden City Hospital. Since the passing on of former ‘umbaqanga king’ messages of condolences have been pouring...
The announcement was made at the public broadcaster’s media brief yesterday. Matlala is a consultant and banking executive. Matlala, who has done consultative work for...
The strong-willed, pressure-sucker and cool as a cucumber Ntebo is the brains behind a billion rand project that seeks to conscientious tourists, on the feeling...
Maphanga and his cooperative consisting of 12 ‘ full-time workers’, are part of the successful REDISA (the Recycling and Economic Development Initiative of South Africa)...
She was pitted against Sizwe Dhlomo and DJ Warras, who are Castle Lite Ambassadors. The Pres got an overwhelming votes from the ‘public’. OKMalumKoolKat, Riky...
Theophilus Doctorson Khumalo or 16 Valve as he is popularly known in footballing circles, is remembered as one of South Africa’s best forwards and exports...