Unceremoniously, the department has terminated its contract with Jezreel Group headed by Ntebo Lesetla-Peri, who has been marketing and promoting the train on behalf...
This world celebrated premiere basketball team is returning to mzansi to put on their most outrageous exhibition yet, after two decades. Our first democratically elected...
He will be joined by Kaya FM’s daily morning show host Bob Kgomotso Mabena. Thursday June25, 2015 Sp8ce- Unite 8, Straight centre-The Straight Rd, Pineslops....
Nando’s Mass Hysteria is all about hand picked comedians vying or better still- jostling for Parliamentary positions. This year has been witness to the most...
With the digital and retail portfolios currently within the Ogilvy stable, the above the line account will also be moving to the monolith. “Decisions such as...
The CITES Secretariat is pleased to announce that the 17th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (CoP) will take place in Johannesburg, South Africa...
This is the desert horse race, attracting about 3 000 visitors to watch professional race horses compete with farm-trained mounts in a 2 000-metre race...